Remember To Have Fun
Acquiris Quodcumque Rapis
Proper Preparation not only Prevents Poor Performance, it puts us in a position to succeed. That is our goal!
Our Teams are in a focused training program to become professionals, albeit in something other than basketball. Their route will take them through one of the many fine colleges or universities renowned for their high standards of academic excellence and the proven success of their basketball program.
Our basketball players are focused on the end-goal of becoming professionals, at which time basketball will still be played for passion after all their work is done for the day. Like everything they do, they take it seriously and perform with both full effort and enthusiasm. That approach has gotten them to where they are today and is what will drive and motivate them on their own personal roads towards success.
Over the past 17 years, players involved with the programs have gone on to play (or are on their way to playing) at Williams, Middlebury, Bowdoin, Colby, Bates, Hamilton, Tufts, Wesleyan, Trinity, Connecticut College, Sarah Lawrence, Union, Hobart, Ithaca, RPI, Vassar, Bard, Clarkson, St Lawrence, Skidmore, MIT, WPI, Babson, Clark, Springfield, Emerson, Johns Hopkins, Swarthmore, Haverford, Dickinson, Franklin & Marshall, Muhlenberg, Washington College, Washington & Lee, NYU, Brandeis, Chicago, Emory, Rochester, Carnegie Mellon, Case Western, Washington University, Pomona, Claremont McKenna, Caltech, Occidental, Puget Sound, Colorado College, Macalester, St Olaf’s, Grinnell, Lawrence, Kenyon, Denison, Oberlin, Allegheny, Ohio Wesleyan, Sewanee, Rhodes, Birmingham Southern, Earlham, Hartwick, Gordon, Geneseo, Stevens, John Jay, Hunter, Susquehanna, Chatham, Emmanuel, Suffolk, Curry, RIC, Keuka, Franklin Pierce, American, Rice, Depaul, Fairfield, Furman, Vanderbilt, Elon, Holy Cross, Colgate, Binghamton, UMBC, Monmouth, Sacred Heart, Quinnipiac, FDU, Maryland, UConn and Duke (2).
In addition to the basketball players, several members are at schools in these same conferences and haven chosen to play a different sport. However they got there, the exclamation mark is on their success in having gotten into the schools of their respective choices.
This is our success story so far. Twelve years of hard work, creative thinking, evolution, progression and learning from our mistakes have taught us to capitalize on opportunities when they appear or as we create them.
The principal behind the Academic Basketball Club is Harvey Rubin. His entrepreneurial consulting firm is properly monikered iPayAttention, LLC. We found success on the court when Don Chase brought our second-year team into his Fairfield County Star program and together we achieved a Connecticut State Championship and several medalist finishes as we grew to six teams. As our oldest children graduated AAU, Harvey merged with Paul Krumins into the Overtime Athletics program as their high school division, with solid results on the court and teams finishing nationally ranked. Following the 2008 season with the proven desire from college coaches to have a quality academic program to recruit players, the Academic Basketball Club was established to help players Earn A College Uniform. The real measure of our success came with the 24 teams that completed their runs through AAU in the last twelve years: 197 out of 204 players on those teams earned offers of a uniform from colleges including 133 playing in the top conferences and some with scholarships. The results made it clear: there is both a group of student athletes in our area qualified and capable for these colleges and universities; and, the colleges and universities are interested in these student athletes. This realization has been paramount to the evolution of the Academic Basketball Club.
We would like to make a statement on the matter of rules, compliance and the actions of others that have caused many to take issue with AAU basketball in the macro, which is why we are eschewing identification with aau and referring to the genre as Grassroots, and with a team or coach in the micro: Not only do we know the rules (both the letter and spirit) we wholeheartedly pledge/endeavor/mandate ourselves to follow them without fail every day that ends in a “y.” We maintain a higher standard for ourselves than others expect of us. In all matters, we live by the Golden Rule in addition to Rules #1 and 2.